- #Size down my logo in mac outlook for a signature how to#
- #Size down my logo in mac outlook for a signature code#
- #Size down my logo in mac outlook for a signature windows#
ObjSelection.TypeText "Please consider the environment before printing this message." In the example below the environmental disclaimer is added: ' Beginning of signature block strEmail) with a text placed between the quotation marks. To enter any string of text that is not dynamically gathered from Active Directory, simply replace the placeholder part of the objSelection.TypeText command (e.g. The resulting signature block in the script is as follows: ' Beginning of signature block You can do this by adding the following line in the signature block of the script: objSelection.TypeParagraph() Let’s say you need to add user’s email address at the very end of the signature.
#Size down my logo in mac outlook for a signature code#
To modify the signature change the code between ‘ Beginning of signature blockand ‘ End of signature block in the script. Next time you launch Outlook and create a new message it should contain a signature, similar to the example below: To test the script execute it on a workstation with Outlook installed (make sure that Outlook is not running).
#Size down my logo in mac outlook for a signature windows#
Windows Notepad) and save it with the VBS file extension. Simply copy the above text into any plain text editor (e.g. ObjSignatureObject.ReplyMessageSignature = "AD Signature" ObjSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = "AD Signature" ObjSignatureEntries.Add "AD Signature", objSelection ObjSelection.TypeText strName & ", " & strTitle Set objSignatureEntries = objSignatureObject.EmailSignatureEntries Set objSignatureObject = objEmailOptions.EmailSignature
Set objEmailOptions = objWord.EmailOptions Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") MsgBox "No connection with LDAP information.", _ Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser) Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADInformation") Lastly, the script sets the signature to be added to new emails and reply emails. That information is then inserted into the signature. Below you can find an example code, that reads user’s information from Active Directory.
#Size down my logo in mac outlook for a signature how to#
Below, you will find a guide on how to configure such a script.įirstly you need a VBScript that creates a signature in Outlook. When the end user logs on, the script gathers information about that particular person from Active Directory and creates a personalized email signature in Outlook. One of the possible solutions is to run a logon script, distributed to workstations via the Group Policy Object. That is why system administrators are searching the web for a more centralized way of performing this task. Moreover – every time a change in the signature is required the whole process needs to be repeated. Setting up an email signature for each Outlook user in the organization can be a time-consuming job, especially when performed manually.
See also a more recent article on how to create a HTML email signature in Outlook using VBScript. Update: This article was updated on July 26, 2021.